Thursday 23 June 2011

Not taking this seriously at all

Wednesday 22nd June 2011

How come I was much more fired up for running/logging/blogging in the darkness of Janathon than I am in June?? I have been fairly remiss in my hand ins-a bit like cakeofgoodhopes blog the other day. I will be getting letters home to my parents about my poor performance too!
Did manage to go to Zumba last night which always cheers me up. They are even organising a Zumba Christmas night out to some Lady Gaga tribute thing. I am of two minds about this-will we have to wear a rump steak dress + matching sausage fascinator I wonder?? Also I am pretty sure that we will be expected to dance. Yes but without the expert guidance of Zumba teacher! It could be that we are all sadly mistaken in our belief that we are soooo good at it!
I wonder what today will bring.

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