Tuesday 3 January 2012

Tuesday 3rd January 2012

After a very gentle start to Janathon I actually went for a proper run today. Not massively delighted by the freezing ness and whippy wind but still, I couldn't bear the idea of going to the gym instead, so really had no option.Plus the remaining Xmas choccies were whispering rather too intently!
Heavy rain meant that some of my run was a bit squelchy which does of course make my trainers look quite hard core! The usual happy dogs came a yapping but luckily were called back to owners heels so didn't have to dothe jog on the spot thing till they got tired.

Time-30mins+5mins walking for warm up
Reward-hot bubble bath...aahh


  1. Well done - my xmas choccies never whisper - they spend the whole of January screaming from the rooftops!

  2. Well done. My choccies wont be quiet until they've all gone!
