Sunday 22 April 2012

The smell of Spring

I am attempting to write this with a cat snuggled on my lap but whose claws have been clipped thankfully! I know this dear lady who is the cat queen of old ladies, well for the price of tea and cake, will clip my cat's claws. She doesn't climb trees and generally scrabble around outside as she used to in her kitten years, so hers claws don't get the natural manicure that they're supposed to. This is how my weekend started. Well, apart from making the cake obviously.
I had a strange good citizen moment when I picked my son up from the train station shortly afterwards. This (drunk) young woman got off the train and wanted to know where x address was. I felt the sooner she got to her friend's, the better, so I gave her a lift. She wittered on and I felt like the sober suburban mum. Quite a turn up that!!

Anyway, back to running. This evening was fantastic. Sun and no wind. Perfect for a run, so fully togged up with new purple sports bra and other attire I set off along my trusty route. There were lambs, excited dogs and even a red squirrel! I managed to go slightly further than last time so life is good. Slight M&S peanut shortage back home but did have some yummy feta and Parma ham. Then watched Mary Beard's Roman programme. Perfect end to Sunday!

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