Monday 14 May 2012

Twiglets and Nordic Noir

Monday 14th May 2012 Well that's a title which reflects my current state of mind! I am absolutely hooked on the latest dish of Scandinavian crime on the TV, namely 'The Bridge' and will be devastated when it draws to it's no doubt, twisted close this weekend! The main character female detective is hilarious in an on the spectrum sort of way. Best line is 'meet Daniel, we have sex from time to time!' How much simpler life would be if we cut out the pfaff and said it like it was? How much hears her too I'd imagine! There is also a Twiglets thing going on right now, especially as I browse the various websites about Nordic Noir authors (there are a few). I think I'm lacking vitamin D and clearly need to travel immediately to sunshine. That's my hypothesis (or theory? I can't remember). Run was grand. Left in dry weather returned in torrential rain, a very soggy girl.Did about 4km and actually didn't care how wet I was! Back to those Twiglets....reminds me of that Mr Bean sketch at Hogmanay.

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