Sunday 6 May 2012

Sunday 6th May 2012

 Having postponed my run by a few days because of highly intellectual pursuits, well perhaps it was the cold, miserable weather, I ventured out today. 

It's been one of those non-event weekends that sort of float by really quickly and you end up feeling that it could be so much better. When you are young(er) you feel that outside events provide the excitement but now that i am less young I know that it does actually take effort and a degree of planning. Life does not just happen to you. Well obviously some things creep in the side door but most things need a whopping great invite. Anyhow, that was what my weekend felt like. Also what do you do with teenage sons that don't want to do anything with you and better still, not be seen to be doing anything 'en famille?' I fondly remember making castles in the sandpit and out of bricks and how I inwardly sighed but did it anyway. Those were simpler times. 

My run was of the maintenance variety. Nothing like the all singing and dancing run of 30th April but then it kind of was in keeping with the weekend.

  • 4km
  • 30mins
  • music-audiofuel and a bit of Fleetwood Mac (hey...)
  • reward- Pinot Grigio and peanuts-what else?

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